Our Causes

Please select a cause to donate to.
  • Donating toys to our Play Specialist Team at HDFT

    Donating toys to our Play Specialist Team at HDFT

  • Great Start in Life Foundation

    Great Start in Life Foundation

    The Great Start in Life Foundation is an arm of Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity (registered charity number 1050008), designed to support Children and Young People across our 0-19(25) Children’s Public Health Nursing Service footprint, by actively fundraising through events, projects, appeals and donations.

  • Cancer Services

    Cancer Services

    Cancer Services at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (HDFT) provides high quality cancer treatments and health and wellbeing services. It offers support for people affected by a cancer diagnosis in the Harrogate and District Community, as well as some patients from the North Leeds area.

  • Active Against Cancer

    Active Against Cancer

    Active Against Cancer is part of the Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust and is a unique health and wellbeing service for people living with cancer in the Harrogate District.  The service is free to everyone affected by cancer and your donations are used to help deliver this innovative service in which we hope to effect lasting and progressive change to the health of patients living with cancer.  Having recently been highly commended at the NHS Parliamentary awards, our regional service continues to develop and be recognised on the national stage for its positive impact on the health and wellbeing…

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