
There are many easy ways of donating to Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity:

Donate online

Donate online below:

Donate Button

You can also donate through our Facebook Page.

Donate by BACS

Donate via bank transfer to the details below:


Sort Code: 60-70-80

Account Number: 10004904

Reference: Your Name

Bank: Natwest

If you have donated to HHCC and Volunteer Team by BACS/Bank Transfer, please let the Team know by emailing

We would love to thank you for your generosity and kindness and keep you updated about the work we do!

Become a Regular Donor

Setting up your Standing Order

Download a Standing Order Form

As a regular donor, you will make life changing differences to staff, patients and their families across Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust.

Your contribution will help fund new equipment, training and services to enhance the environment for staff, and their families across the Hospital and wider Community.

Examples of how your donation could make a huge positive impact:

  • £5 could provide an activity pack for Children and Young People whilst receiving treatment
  • £10 could provide a DVD for our DVD library for inpatients
  • £50 could provide a Dementia Memory Box to enhance familiarity and comfort
  • £100 could provide Six Care Packages for Staff



Donate by post

Donate by sending a cheque to:

Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity and Volunteer Team
Planning Department
3rd Floor
Harrogate District Hospital
Lancaster Park Road

Donate at Harrogate District Hospital

You can make a donation at the hospital by cash or cheque. Just bring in your donation and take it to the General Office in the main entrance foyer or use one of our donation points that are accessible throughout the hospital.

Gift Aid Your Donation

Download our Gift Aid form here: Keeping in touch and Gift Aid Form

By completing a Gift Aid Form we can then boost any donations you make by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you! Once completed, please email to:

or post to:

Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity and Volunteer Team
Planning Department
3rd Floor, Strayside Wing
Harrogate District Hospital
Lancaster Park Road

To contact us please fill out the below form:

    Don’t worry, we will only contact you with regards to your enquiry and your details will be deleted forever after an appropriate period of time. We will never pass on your information to anyone else.

    Yes, I am happy for you to hold my data and send further correspondence.No, please do not send me any future correspondence

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