Leave a gift in your will

You can download our Legacies Brochure here: HHCC and GSIL Legacy Brochure


Making a will lets you decide what happens to your money, possessions and property after your death. You may want to leave a gift to both the people and causes that are important to you. By taking the time to remember Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity in your will, you can help us to improve the lives of patients and their families for many years to come.


Changing lives

A donation to Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity in your will can make a huge difference to our patients lives and their families, enabling us to fund specialist equipment, training and services, going above and beyond what can be provided by the NHS.

We use a minimum of 85 pence of every pound donated to Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity which is used for specialist equipment, training and services.  Therefore, at least 15 pence of every pound donated goes towards fundraising and generating additional income. This goes above and beyond the provision of the NHS to help improve treatment, facilities and the environment at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust.

new parents with baby

Why make a will?

Your will lets everyone know what you want to happen with your money, possessions and property (your estate) when you die. Without a will, the law sets out what happens to your estate which may not be in line with your wishes. A will makes it much easier for your family or friends to sort everything out when you die – removing a lot of stress and administration at what is already a difficult time.

Writing a will can also reduce the amount of inheritance tax that may be payable on the value of any property or money you leave behind, and a will is also very important if you have children or other family who depend on you financially, or if you want to leave something to people outside your immediate family.

Charitable legacies are exempt from inheritance tax, so every penny of any gift to Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity will go towards helping us make a difference.

couple signing will

Types of Gift

There are many different types of gift that you can choose when you are making your will. You need to make sure that you choose the right gift for your circumstances, and that any gift you may choose to give to our charity doesn’t impact on your ability to provide for your loved ones.

Residuary Gift: a residuary gift is a remainder or percentage of whatever is left from your estate once provision has been made for your friends and family. This type of gift is also inflation proof as the proportion of your gift will stay the same over time and you won’t need to update your will in the future.

Pecuniary gift: this is a gift of a specific amount of money. You might wish to ensure that your cash gift is indexed-linked so that the value increases with inflation.

Specific gift: this is the gift of a specific item such as property, jewellery or other valuables.

Grandparents with new baby

Important things to consider

  • We recommend that you use a solicitor to draw up your will. It is important to know that your will is valid and accurate.
  • Review your will regularly and keep it up-to-date.
  • Ensure your will is valid. Please note that making changes directly to your will can invalidate the whole document. We strongly recommend that you consult with your solicitor before making any changes.
  • Know your estate. It is helpful to work out what you have to leave, taking into account any property, mortgages, savings, possessions or even money you are owed.
  • Appoint trustworthy Executors. An executor is charged with carrying out the instructions in your will.

Remembering Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity in your will

Any gift in a will, no matter how big or small, will make a huge difference and improve the lives of patients and their families cared for by your local NHS. No matter what you give, you will be helping us to go above and beyond for our patients.

If you would like to leave a gift to Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity in your will, you need to make sure that you include the charity’s registered name, address and charity number in your will:

Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity and Volunteer Team
Planning Department,
3rd Floor Strayside Wing,
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust,
Lancaster Park Road,
Registered Charity number: 1050008

Contact us

We hope that we have provided you with enough information to help you leave a gift in your will.

If you are an Executor dealing with an estate or if you need any further information or would like to discuss your will please contact Georgia Hudson, Administration and Database Officer:

Telephone number: 01423 557408



Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity and Volunteer Team
Planning Department,
3rd Floor Strayside Wing,
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust,
Lancaster Park Road,

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