Total Raised:£11,226.00
With Gift Aid:£13,152.50
147 Donors

It is now 1 year since I was admitted to Intensive Care and diagnosed with incurable pancreatic and liver cancer after collapsing. Since then the amazing Doctors, Nurses and staff of the NHS have looked after me and kept me alive through a difficult 12 months. This culminated with an operation at the end of 2022 to help extend my life, which I am happy to report was a success. However unfortunately as with many cancers one problem is solved and another arises and I am about to start 8 months of radiation therapy, this will involve being injected with radiation then spending 24 hours in a lead lined room followed by 2 weeks of isolation, which will be repeated every 2 months between now and the end of the year.

During the past 12 months and in preparation for the next treatment I have been supported by Active Against Cancer. Active Against Cancer aims to help those living and being treated for cancer maintain and achieve a level of fitness to get them through the ordeals of treatment and surgery as well as providing mental and wellbeing support. Without them I would not have been able to deal with the treatments I have received and would not be able to continue to move forward, they have been a key part in keeping me alive and positive.

I am therefore aiming to raise £10,000.00 to help support them so that they can help provide this vital service to those with cancer.

As mentioned over the next 8 months I am in isolation for 8 weeks during which I am going to walk the Pennine Way virtually in my garden, 268miles (431KM), as well as visit spots along the way with friends and family when not isolating.

I do hope you will sponsor me to do this and thank you in advance for your generosity.