Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity (HHCC) is the registered charity for Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust. We raise vital funds to help enhance the experience and environment to benefit our staff, service users, patients and their families across #teamHDFT!

We are excited to launch our brand new monthly lottery! This is a great opportunity for you to get involved every month and at the same time you are helping support your local NHS! Monies raised will help fund equipment, training and staff and patient wellbeing initiatives going above and beyond the provision of the NHS. By playing, you will make a huge impact and leave a lasting legacy in the support provided and received in our hospitals and wider community.

A small amount can make a huge difference – thanks to the wonderful supporters and fundraisers of HHCC, we were able to contribute to the cost of the refurbishment of our Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This included amazing mood lighting technology which enables patients to receive care in a relaxing environment. Brand new imaged ceiling panels were installed to give patients a sense of the outside sky, this not only benefits patients during an extremely challenging time but this insightful addition to ICU has improved the working environment and boosts the mood of staff working on the unit. A fantastic enhancement to the refurbished ICU is the addition of a pull down bed for visitors to sleep on if they wish to stay the night, so they are close to their loved ones during a really difficult time. One visitor said, “It’s amazing and feels like a hotel.” This is just small insight into how the money you donate can have a huge impact!

This lottery is an easy and effective way to help invest in our community! HHCC are unable to make life changing differences without their supporters, so why not play the HHCC lottery and help make a difference whilst you play?